We have a new card for the upcoming Father’s Day. The card Seahorse is also great for all other summertime greetings and birthdays. It captures a day at the seaside and the magic of the sea accompanied by a musical score that will make you feel really happy and relaxed.

Seahorses are celebrated as a great example of fatherhood – they are the only species on the planet where the males carry the young until they are ready to emerge from the special pouch the male has for the purpose. He only has to carry them for 21-25 days, but often he carries 2000 at the same time! After they emerge from the pouch, the little seahorse babies are pretty much on their own. So seahorses really have nothing on human fathers, who carry their young around for years after they are born – cradled in their arms, on their chest, in baby slings, carriers, car seats, on their shoulders, and eventually just in their hearts long after the children have left the safety of those protective arms.
So let’s celebrate all the amazing Fathers who make a huge difference in our lives, day in and day out, year after year.
Have a happy and very relaxing Father’s Day!
Check out our other father day ecards or birthday ecards.