Announcing New Holiday eCards

Each year around this time we start rolling out the results of months of hard work that often started way back in July when snowflakes and holiday cheer still seemed a long way away. This year we have more new cards in store for you than any prior year, as well as an exciting new project we look forward to unveiling.

But first, we are happy to announce that the first two new holiday cards are up on the site. Even if you think it is still to early to send your holiday ecards, you can write them now and schedule them to be sent at a later date.

Announcing New Holiday eCards

A classic card with a timeless message of joy and peace… Some people really go above and beyond decorating for the holidays … sure to make your mistletoe green with envy 🙂

Topiary of Joy

Jazz, glitter and holiday cheer go in hand in hand perfectly in this warm and tasteful card. Great for sending our invitations to your very own holiday bash, but also suitable for many other uses.

Jazz & Glitter

These new cards are just a few of many cards in our collection. So don’t forget to check out our other wonderful Christmas ecards, including some for Hanukkah, warmer climes, secular and religious. There are still more cards to come before the year is over. We will let you know as soon as they are available on our site.

Why not join or renew your membership today and take advantage of our limited time special when you sign up or renew for two years – two whole years of sending our wonderful ecards to your friends and family, we will throw in one free 1-year gift membership you can send as a gift to someone you think would enjoy sending our cards as much as you do. And our membership fee is still only $12 for one year or $18 for two years.

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